Seascape Network AMA Recap With Neng Yuni Forum

Neng Yuni Forum
10 min readJan 28, 2021

Dear Community, Welcome to the recap of our AMA with Seascape Network.

Our vibrant and enthusiastic community had a lot question to ask. To those who want to know quickly what Seascape Network is about, we are sure this recap gonna help you. So without further, continue reading.

Speaker :

David Johansson — CEO & Founder

Nicky Li — COO & Co Founder

First Session Project Introduction

Could you give an introduction of yourself And how you can play an important role in Seascape Network?

Mr. David: Hey everyone, I’m David, founder and creative director of the Seascape Network. I’ve been a game developer for the last decade working in studios such as Paradox Interactive, mainly working on historical strategy games. I started getting involved in blockchain in 2016, first as an investor and later as the creator of BLOCKLORDS, which was the first blockchain strategy game. Since then, we’ve received funding and grants from many major blockchain institutions and protocols, and we are ready to take the next step on our journey by developing the Seascape Network, a game platform designed around the Defi and NFT economies!

Mr. Nicky: Greetings all, I’m Nicky. Passionate about games and stepped into the Gaming industry in 2014. Experience at established Chinese game studios such as Yoozoo, Forgame and Moonton. Worked as a project manager of <League of Angels>, which won the ‘BEST FACEBOOK GAME’ in 2014. It was a huge success and led to a very good market performance. Also worked as a designer and operation team leader on <Liberators>, a WW2 strategy game that also won the ‘BEST FACEBOOK GAME’ in 2016.

Currently leading development of BLOCKLORDS, an innovative medieval grand strategy blockchain game. And also Co-founder and COO of Seascape Network. Personally I got into crypto because of CryptoKitties. Its success also gives me inspiration about combining the games with blockchain technology, allowing “play and earn” to become the next wave in the industry.

Q1. What is Seascape? And how is the story behind the Seascape Network Creation?

Mr. David: Seascape Network is a game platform designed around the Defi and NFT economies!

As me and my team were working on BLOCKLORDS, which is a very ambitious blockchain strategy game, we started noticing a lot of problem with most protocols and the sdks they provided to game developers, which made development of successful and scalable dapps almost impossible for small teams.

As we improved our project management processes and workflow, as well as with our increased experience in smart contracts, we decided we could develop a platform ourselves and offer the tools to other game devs to access the world of blockchain.

This, along with our excitement about DeFi and the added liquidity it provides to small projects, made us take the leap and go from developing one game to a whole platform instead!

Q2. What is so exciting about Seascape Network, which might make Seascape Network different from all other projects out there?

Mr. Nicky: Having worked with most top 20 chains out on the market, we can say with confidence that most developer tools for blockchains are painfully inadequate. There is a huge learning curve for any given smart contract protocol, and the developer tools and environments are incredibly hard to set up. This is the main reason why ethereum is so popular, because other chains are basically impossible to work with.

With Seascape, we plan to change all of that. By releasing a clear and well-documented set of SDKs, we plan to make game developers be able to tokenize their projects in a much clearer and easier way than anything that is currently available. Our past experience releasing games on multiple chains makes us experts in this matter.

Q3. Please provide some information about your Roadmap, How Seascape Network is progressing so far? And what Seascape Network is currently focused on?

Mr. David: The first step of our launch will be to release the Seascape game platform, which will of course host our core strategy game, BLOCKLORDS, but also 3 brand new DeFi mini-games which will provide great opportunities for our users to earn. This will all be released on the Ethereum mainnet as while transaction fees are high, most of the value is still there for our users to grab.

A quick news we want to share is Binance become our latest investor, read more here:

and we commit our platfrom and products will launch on Binance smart chain as well.

Following the launch of the Seascape platform both on Ethereum and BSC, we will begin our transition to Substrate in later 2021. It will begin with a new random number generator developed on Substrate, which will offer a unique decentralized product for other dapp developers in the polkadot ecosystem. We will also release a host of other games, both developed by our own studio and other partners we have made partnerships with. All projects associated with Seascape will use Crowns as the core token for value transfer.

Q4. Please tell us more about $CWS (Crowns) token! What utilities does the token have, and what benefits will tokens holders get?

Mr. Nicky: Crowns are the official token of the Seascape Network. We’ve actually written a number of articles discussing these in detail, but succintly:

• Buy Games and Services on the Scape Store

• Stake in Seascape Defi to earn competitive yields

• Mint and Trade Seascape standard NFT

• Create PCC (player created coins) backed by Crowns

• Validate the Seascape Network and secured the Seascape Chain

• Trade in Exchanges and profit your time spending in Seascape

You can check this article for more details.

The Seascape Token: Crowns

Q5. What are some achievement that Seascape Network has achieved so far? And what are Seascape Network’s upcoming plans, Especially in 2021?

Mr. David: So far we have done the following: Released blocklords on over half a dozen chains and l2 solutions. WE have also done a lot of experimentation with developing DeFi protocols on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and the polkadot/substrate ecosystem. We have also forged partnership with game developers all around the world who will continue releasing products on our platform.

Our achievements include not only the projects we have released and are currently working on, but also an overall expansion into gamified defi unlike any way it has ever been done before. Our partnerships with strong companies such as Chainlink, DAO Maker, and Binance will only continue to expand as we grow our presence in the blockchain gaming field!

Second Session “Twitter Question”

Q1. How will in-game staking be implemented on the Seascape platform and how will it enable Crowns to reward the stakeholders of the game ecosystem?

Mr. David: In the game called NFT BRAWL, users have the option to spend Crowns to get an NFT of random quality. In this game any player can choose to spend any amount they wish to mint NFTs. Meanwhile, the NFT staking game, which is named STAKING SALOON, works in a similar fashion. A user can stake an NFT and start earning Crowns. The APY will be significant in size. But the catch here is that to claim the Crowns, the NFT will be burnt. Meaning that the user will have to make a decision: “Do I claim now and lose my NFTs to get the reward?” or “Do I wait until the end of the event to get the maximum amount of rewards?” This will make users think twice before claiming their rewards, which is what we wanted.

This is just one of many staking possibilities that the Seascape Network will offer our users :)

Q2. BLOCKLORDS in the star game of Seascape. You also have a mobile version to be released. How can the users take profits of this game? Will you allow interconectivity to play online with friends?

Mr. Nicky : As the producer of BLOCKLORDS (, think I have a responsibility to answer this question.

BLOCKLORDS already upgraded into 2.0. We created a no-wallet register process for it, anyone with an email can join this game and explore the fun inside. Also we built an open world gameplay inside, so we can keep building both centralized and decentralized gameplay inside. For example, player can buy BLOCKLORDS hero NFT on Ethereum and import into our game and play with it. Later player can also export his hero back to Ethereum and sell on opensea to git direct profit.

In later version, we will introduce season system, where player can go very deep and get CWS reward after the end of one season.

I promise you that team will contiune to explore more in BLOCKLORDS. Such as DeFi gameplay, Season system etc, and it will be the first game to accept CWS payment.

Q3. Why did you choose to be on two blockchains at the same time ERC and Polkotdao? How broad and accessible is it for users unfamiliar with the technical parts of this technology?

Mr. David: We have a lot of experiencing launching our previous games on multiple blockchain and we discovered that most of them lack in users, value and developer tools. This is a huge problem when launching a defi platform that relies on a multitude of users and liquidity that these usesrs will provide.

This is why we insist on launching on Ethereum first, because our users deserve access to the value and liquidity that Ethereum offers. That said, with fees as high as they are, and scalability being a key to getting mass adoption, we also want to release on layer 2 solutions like BSC and bridged protocols such as Polkadot. As long as they can be connected to Ethereum, we want to deliver a scalable produict that offers the best of both world in terms of liquidity, users and speed!

Q4. What are the chances of earning CROWN in Seascape? Is there any rewards for new users of Seascape?

Mr. Nicky: Crowns is a token designed to reward all key stakeholders of the gaming ecosystem, and will be introduced to users via BLOCKLORDS, the first game developed by Seascape team, as a way to reward all players who play the game. This token will be the way for most players to experience the true power of DeFi gaming and NFT economy in a fun and user-friendly way.

Following its launch, the token will be a core pillar of a series of planned DeFi & NFT games, where savvy players will be able to increase their earnings exponentially through a variety of LP mining and NFT staking games. More details will be unveiled soon!

Q5. There are no fees for the transactions made by game developers in the platform, how many game developers can be active simultaneously? Would it lead to a liquidity problem?

Mr. David: We are extremely hungry for game developers all the time. Contact us by email to find out more.

We will help devs with SDK, and we will come up with solutions to cover their transaction fees (such as through Crowns incentives programs). Stay tuned for specific details for those events.

We have already partnered with a few game dev studios, including Peter & Sons studio (in Armenia), and FlowerBro studios (in China). Our goal is to be something akin to a decentralized Steam, so there’s no limit the number of games & devs. And we directly control liquidity at the moment, and the community also provides in decentralized exchanges in Uniswap to get rewards. Right now, we don’t foresee any liquidity problems in the future. But should they arise, we’ll seek our professional solutions.

Our economic incentives will provide great rewards to devs who join the platform early, so we encourage anyone with game dev skills to get in touch!

The Third Session “Live Question”

Q1. Seascape Network announced its first Strong Holder Offering in collaboration with DAO Maker, who will be the beneficiaries of this event? Please tell us the requirements and if it will be available worldwide.

Mr. David: DAO Maker uses a social mining algorithm to determine which wallets can participate in any given SHO. This is an innovative system because it ensures that those who get the allocation are active participants in the DeFi economy who like to interact and provide liquidity for projects. This is extremely valuable and something we believe will help the early stage of the project!

Q2. BLOCKLORDS game seems very interesting. What do I need to play it?

Mr. David: Nothing is needed to play the open beta of BLOCKLORDS. Just head to and click get started. We are still improving the game and working on adding more blockchain connectivity, but any user feedback is appreciated!

Q3. Most DeFi projects especially those ones offering yield farming are driven up by hype and scarcity, so when the hype dies the project dies. What’s the key to sustaining Your Project yield farming ?

Mr. Nicky: After TGE and uniswap listing, we will soon release our yield farming game called PROFIT CIRCUS. It’s just like all other yield farming project but with much more incentive UI/UX, good apy CWS reward, and a Free Seascape NFT gift that can be used in other games.

Just stay tuned and we will post step-by-step guide for every game.

Q4. Which area are you focusing on at the moment? (DeFi, Stake,Dapps..) and what is your goals in this year?

Mr. Nicky: In the short term, we aim for the following three things.

1, marketing & outreach, which is why I’m here today and doing the AMA with you guys. I want to let people know about Seascape Network, and to promote our products and ideas to everyone, hoping that more people will follow and join us before our token launch.

2,we are working hard to prepare our token launch, currently we are aiming to launch Crowns (CWS) on Uniswap first in early Feb, and the token contract is already being audited.

3, We are going to open the Seascape Network platform website, and after the token goes live, we will launch our DeFi games.

In later 2021,we will provide DeFi gameplay SDK, so devs can easily use it to add DeFi gameplay into their games.

Q5. Many projects rug pulled and exit scam recently. Why should investors trust your project not to do the same?

Mr. David: Our team has been active in blockchain field for 3 years now and are well known in the industry. We have partnered with a number of established projects such as Chainlink and MakerDAO and our reputation speaks for itself. We are interested in the long term growth of the project and will do everything we can to ensure its long term growth.

Alright, those are the 5 select question

Thanks to Mr. @Transparentz & Mr. @NickyLi who gave us the time to share this knowledge, I hope we will understand more about Seascape Network.


We declare AMA’s Series Neng Yuni with Seascape Network, is Done. 🥳🥳🥳🥳

thank you to the participants who have attended this event to the end.

the winners will be announced soon🥳🥳🥳




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Edited By : Neng Yuni

